<![CDATA[Nam Can Tho university Search for 'Provider:Hồng Đức and itype:BK and se:The Lessons of history and se:The lessons of history and se:The lessons of history']]> /cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=ccl=Provider%3AH%C3%A1%C2%BB%C2%93ng%20%C3%84%C2%90%C3%A1%C2%BB%C2%A9c%20and%20itype%3ABK%20and%20se%3AThe%20Lessons%20of%20history%20and%20se%3AThe%20lessons%20of%20history%20and%20se%3AThe%20lessons%20of%20history&format=rss2 Search results for 'Provider:Hồng Đức and itype:BK and se:The Lessons of history and se:The lessons of history and se:The lessons of history' at Nam Can Tho university 0 20