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Engineering and living systems: Interfaces and opportunities David D. Rutsein, Murray Eden

Tác giả: Rutsein, David D.
Contributor(s): Eden, Murray.
Nhà xuất bản: America The Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1970Thông tin mô tả: 320 p. 24cm.Chủ đề: Y Đa khoaSố phân loại DDC: 610.28 Tóm tắt: This book supplements existing medical programs with a new research approach to increase fundamental knowledge, and points the way to better medical care through more efficient application of engineering, technology, and systems development..
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Sách Sách 610.28 R819 (Xem kệ sách) Sẵn sàng MD.21753

This book supplements existing medical programs with a new research approach to increase fundamental knowledge, and points the way to better medical care through more efficient application of engineering, technology, and systems development..

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