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Reimagining global health an introduction Paul Farmer [et al]

Contributor(s): Farmer, Paul | Kim, Jim Yong | Kleinman, Arthur | Basilico, Matthew.
Nhà xuất bản: California The Regents of the University 2013Thông tin mô tả: 480 p. ill 23cm.Chủ đề: Y Đa khoaSố phân loại DDC: 362.1 Tóm tắt: Bringing together the experience, perspective and expertise of Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, and Arthur Kleinman, Reimagining Global Health provides an original, compelling introduction to the field of global health. Drawn from a Harvard course developed by their student Matthew Basilico, this work provides an accessible and engaging framework for the study of global health. Insisting on an approach that is historically deep and geographically broad, the authors underline the importance of a transdisciplinary approach, and offer a highly readable distillation of several historical and ethnographic perspectives of contemporary global health problems.
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Sách Sách 362.1 R363G (Xem kệ sách) Sẵn sàng MD.21795

Bringing together the experience, perspective and expertise of Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, and Arthur Kleinman, Reimagining Global Health provides an original, compelling introduction to the field of global health. Drawn from a Harvard course developed by their student Matthew Basilico, this work provides an accessible and engaging framework for the study of global health. Insisting on an approach that is historically deep and geographically broad, the authors underline the importance of a transdisciplinary approach, and offer a highly readable distillation of several historical and ethnographic perspectives of contemporary global health problems.

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