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An Giang University journal of science Volume 1 An Giang University

Nhà xuất bản: An Giang An Giang University 2015Thông tin mô tả: 27cm.Số ISSN: 0866-8086.Genre/Form: Tạp chíSố phân loại DDC: 378 Tóm tắt: Contents: Traditional festival in the South west Khmer pagodas - view from value perspective; Buddhism hallmark in settlement of the relation with Champa lands in the reign of Lord Nguyen Phuc Chu; The position, role and service of the Nguyen dynasty and the reason leading to the loss of Viet Nam to the French colonists ay the and of the 19th cetury,...
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Kiểu tài liệu Thư viện hiện tại Ký hiệu phân loại Trạng thái Ngày hết hạn Đăng ký cá biệt
Báo tạp chí Báo tạp chí 378 A105G (Xem kệ sách) Not for loan

Contents: Traditional festival in the South west Khmer pagodas - view from value perspective; Buddhism hallmark in settlement of the relation with Champa lands in the reign of Lord Nguyen Phuc Chu; The position, role and service of the Nguyen dynasty and the reason leading to the loss of Viet Nam to the French colonists ay the and of the 19th cetury,...

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