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Quality control Dale H. Besterfield

Tác giả: Besterfield, Dale H.
Nhà xuất bản: New Jersey Pearson Education 2009Ấn bản: 8th ed.Thông tin mô tả: ix, 540 p. 24cm 1 CD - ROM.Số ISBN: 9780135000953.Chủ đề: Quản trị kinh doanhSố phân loại DDC: 658.562 Tóm tắt: This book provides fundamental-yet comprehensive-coverage of quality control concepts. Sufficient theory is presented to ensure that readers gain a sound understanding of the basic principles of quality control. The substantial use of probability and statistical techniques is reduced to simple mathematics or is developed in the form of tables and charts.
Từ khóa: Chưa có bạn đọc nào thêm từ khóa mới cho nhan để trên. Đăng nhập để thêm từ khóa.
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Sách Sách 658.562 B561 (Xem kệ sách) Sẵn sàng MD.18228
Sách Sách 658.562 B561 (Xem kệ sách) Sẵn sàng MD.18229

Includes bibliography and index

This book provides fundamental-yet comprehensive-coverage of quality control concepts. Sufficient theory is presented to ensure that readers gain a sound understanding of the basic principles of quality control. The substantial use of probability and statistical techniques is reduced to simple mathematics or is developed in the form of tables and charts.

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